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finding the right lender and rate

why use us to find your mortgage?

Because we are associated with a network of lenders nationwide who want to compete for your business. Allow us to offer these key 5 steps in getting the best rate and terms:

  1. First, understand the mortgage lending process. It will help you walk-the-talk when working with mortgage players:
    do a quick review of our mortgage 101
  2. Second, learn how to negotiate rates — plus watch your rates closely. Be prepared to lock-in terms when rates are low:
    view rate information
  3. Third, download this rate and lender shopping sheet. Use the sheet to track terms and rates from lenders you work with:
    download sheet
  4. Fourth, start your loan request through our network of lenders. These lenders will compete for your business:
    start your loan request
  5. Fifth, take your rate sheet with lender rates and terms from step4 — use this sheet to shop and negotiate with local lenders for better terms and rates:

    shop home purchase mortgage lenders | shop refi mortgage lenders
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